Sunday, April 21, 2013

Plot Summary

Conflict- The conflict starts when Hester has an affair with Reverend Dimmesdale causing her to be accused of adultery because she has a child out of that affair. This affair has marked her life forever because she then has to wear a big, red letter A on her chest. When she gets out of jail her husband witnesses what Hester has done and decides to have an evil vengeance toward who he correctly believes is the childs father causing a tragic ending.

Climax- The climax starts when Reverend Dimmesdale is "sleep walking" in town square about to confess to the whole town at night what he did. He tries to confess  by holding Hester's hand but instead a meteor lights the sky with a A on the sky. So therefore that interrupts his confessions and helps Chilligsworth stop him and take him home.

Resolution- The resolution takes place when Dimmesdale finally confesses to the town in a sermon what he did with Hester after Pearl told him that he was only friends with them in secret. His confession causes his death but causes Hester to still wear the big red letter A on her chest because she hasn't repented yet.

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