Sunday, April 21, 2013

Literacy Devices

Based on my reading I can conclude that the Literary devices that were most prevalent in the story were Allusions.
 Allusions were used to convey the meaning of the story which to my understanding was how the church system is never perfect but indeed does have the abilities to hide certain things until the church officials who cant live with their conscience come clean when it is too late. Allusions also helped with the tone because the tone is different through the whole book, for example at the beginning the allusion of Adam and Eve by the author when he  talks about Hesters, Dimmesdale and Pearls situation symbolizes suffering  where as in the end the allusion one gets is in connection with the holy spirit because he feels that Dimmesdale has that connection with God when he gives his sermons to the town giving the story a tone of connectivity due to his sins.

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