Sunday, April 21, 2013


The main setting of the scarlet letter is in  Massachusetts Bay  in the 1640's famously known as the colonial period. Throughout  the  setting the reader can conclude that the people in that   time period were very focused on what the Governor (Bellingham) and Reverends  (Dimmesdale and Wilson) had to say because the church system was very known and important to the ruling system.Therefore  they had the power to do as they pleased with Hester.  I can conclude this by the other minor settings which took place:  in town square as many call it where Ester was revealed to the town as a sinner, her small cottage where she was hidden from the rest of the town and the forest where she had to hide in order to talk to Dimmesdale and the jail where they kept her and released her when pearl was  3 months.

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